Education Marketing
Education Marketing

Education Marketing

Quick Summary

In this manual, we cover three mental models for business success.

Because a lot of you are entrepreneurs, investors, solo producers, consultants, online teachers, and coaches, and a lot of others are interested in launching businesses in these fields, this manual will focus on marketing and customer-getting models. We will talk about how to apply mental models in order to take advantage of some of the opportunities that the unprecedented times we live in have brought to the fore.

Growing or adapting your business at this time needn’t take away from helping others. One might even argue that making yourself more financially sound right now sets you up to do more good in the immediate and long-term future. It doesn’t need to be either/or. We can do both.

Education Marketing

The rookie mistake many business owners make in their marketing is to just talk about themself and promote themself. Then the ads don’t work, the posts don’t work, simply because your potential customers don’t actually want to hear about you...

Instead, you should work on educating your prospects, because when you really sit down and talk to the people who have money and would like to buy from you, it turns out that they almost always need education. And once you educate them on how things work in your domain, and what it’s like to work with you, they’re more likely to develop trust in you and buy your products or services.

View Full Summit Mastery Manual

Watch Classes


This is the recording of the entire Summit. The Education Marketing part starts at 42:21.

Coaching Call #1

This coaching call is fully about applying the Blockbuster model.

Coaching Call #2

Q/A call

Other Resources


Scenario Planning Template

Scenario Planning Template

Second-Order Effects Doc

Navigate Mental Models On Entrepreneurship