- Quick Summary
- Buying Is Not A Normal State
- Buyers Need To Be Communicated To Differently
- Why Buying Hot Buttons Are Important
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- Navigate Mental Models On Entrepreneurship
Quick Summary
Buying Is Not A Normal State
We spend most of our time in a normal, predictable state of consciousness. Buying new things is not normal.
When someone goes from a normal state of consciousness to a buying state of consciousness, they're usually interrupted or activated somehow, either from the inside or from the outside. In other words, there are internal and external forces that push us into a buying state.
When people are in a buying state, they’ve reached a tipping point where they’ve come to the conclusion that they're going to have to fix or change something (e.g. They go outside and see that there's a crack in their car windshield. They need to fix it.).
In a buying state, the mind focuses and becomes more short-term. Whether it's the fear of something they're moving away from or a desire to acquire something they don’t possess yet, the thought process quickly shifts to the “Get my solution.” And when they're in that state of mind, they're really motivated.
Bottom line: People are rarely in buying states, but when they are, they think differently AND make decisions differently.
Buyers Need To Be Communicated To Differently
To communicate effectively with someone in a buying state, we need to do two things:
- Understand who our buyers are and what makes them unique
- Identify their #1 specific psychological-emotional motivator (meaning what motivates them the most to buy).
In other words, we want to identify our specific buyers’ hot buttons.
When we identify that buyer hot button, we can incorporate it into our marketing communications and in our sales process.
Why Buying Hot Buttons Are Important
The basic premise of why this buyer hot button model is important is that…
If you can identify what…
- Grabs the attention of your customers
- Motivates and inspires them
- Gets them to purchase your product or service
And then factor it into your sales and marketing funnel, it can become extremely powerful leverage for growing your business.
It can mean that all of your social media ads, email copy, and sales page collectively convert 5-10x higher.
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Other Resources
Navigate Mental Models On Entrepreneurship
The rookie mistake many business owners make in their marketing is to just promote themself. Instead, you should work on educating your prospects. Once you educate them on how things work in your domain and what it’s like to work with you, they’re more likely to develop trust in you and buy your products or services.
“Think like a customer” is a simple idea/skill, and it’s also the key skill you need in order to get customers. In order to create a product people want and market it in a way people understand, you first have to understand the customer. This manual will help you understand how.
How can I get in front of as many eyes as possible and get as many people as I can to know about my work, my projects, and the services or products I offer, all with minimal costs? That’s the challenge this model addresses.
In many ways, humans are designed for social conformity. Conforming is easier, and it works 99% of the time. An original thinker, however, knows that social and expert authority is often right, but that it can also be incredibly wrong too. So, the original thinker looks for holes in the consensus view and capitalizes on them. This model shows how you can do it too.
This model aims to help you get published on top sites in your niche, write articles that go viral, build your business completely off of content (if you want), get people knocking on your door to work with you, and scale the number of people you reach.
As we're moving into this increasingly changed future, in which we seem to be living out Ray Kurzweil’s Law Of Accelerating Returns, we’ve noticed that the opportunity follows certain patterns. In this manual, we discuss six principles of opportunity to help you build a model of how it works and how it evolves through time.
When you have a product or you're buying a product, you can look at it through the metaphor of your hiring the person to do a job for you, and that job could have functional aspects and emotional aspects.
When it comes to rapidly changing environments, forget the 10,000-Hour Rule. Thomas Edison, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and other great innovators follow the 10,000-Experiment Rule, and you can start with it with the help of this manual.
The offer isn’t the only thing that makes something sell. A lot of times, especially in a smaller company or startup, a lot of what people are buying is not just the product — in many ways, they are buying you. So in this manual, we’re going to talk about selling you.
Why and how you should be reinventing yourself with the customers, your marketing, and your product.
Customer focus is a series of four models rather than a standalone model, and Total Customer Focus model is one of the cornerstones.