Digital Garden
Digital Garden

Digital Garden

Quick Summary

Over the last 7 years, I've taken thousands of pages of digital notes and I built a very deliberate system about how I take notes in Google Docs.

However, recently I've become convinced we are seeing a new paradigm emerge for note-taking and growing. Notes are becoming more and more public and less private so if I had to make one prediction regarding the big shifts happening, it’d be this:

I believe that taking notes publicly will replace private notes in the next 10 years, because of:

  • Cultural shift. Only a few years ago it was awkward to put your name and your picture online. The culture is now shifting towards making notes more public.
  • There’s a new category of tools that make public note-sharing easy. Some of these tools are Roam, Obsidian, TiddlyWiki, Notion.
  • New monetization options are emerging and people are using them more and more to monetize their knowledge.

A digital garden, which is the topic of this model, is a public repository where you share your sawdust. Here’s what Maggie Appleton, who wrote about this model, said about digital gardens:

Rather than presenting a set of polished articles, displayed in reverse chronological order, these sites act more like free form, work-in-progress wikis.

Some of the benefits of a digital garden include:

  • Your notes become assets
  • Build your network. You can share it with others
  • Traffic from search engines
  • Forcing function for learning depth

In this manual, we’ll take a deeper look into digital gardens, and the last section of the manual is a step-by-step walkthrough through one of the apps that make it possible, Notion.

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