Interview With Arel Moodie

Interview With Arel Moodie

Having spoken to over 650,000 people in 48 states and 5 countries, he is an expert at helping people share their expertise in an entertaining way that works. His name is Arel Moodie: he was Michael's partner at his previous company Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour, a dear friend, and one of the most talented presenters we know. In this broadcast Arel shares tips on how to communicate and teach online (whether you’re a teacher, coach, or someone facilitating a meeting).

The hard part of communicating online is keeping people's attention. Arel is going to help on that front.

Some of the topics we covered in this interview:

  • Finding opportunity in canceled public speaking events
  • Erase everything that passed. Who are you being right now?
  • How to enter the conversation that’s already happening in people’s minds
  • Call and response technique
  • With virtual, we have to solve more problems
  • Build momentum before the official Q/A
  • Work to be done before getting people to know, like, and trust you
  • Using Zoom functionalities: Gallery view
  • How vulnerable should you be while presenting?
  • Becoming who you are as a presenter through reps and modeling others
  • Using movement and voice as a presenter
  • Look for the new opportunities
  • Holding on to the old, or preparing for the new?

Edited Interview Transcript

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