"Every purchase requires that the purchaser go through some sort of ‘journey’, from the point of recognition that a purchase is necessary or desirable, to the transaction, and beyond. In a consumer purchase, this process may take a few milliseconds, but in a major purchase, and most particularly in a B2B purchase where others need to be involved, it can be a very long process, depending on the nature of the purchase."
"A process is a series of steps that are repeatable, and able to be continuously improved. You should have worked this process in this order, the why, followed by the value proposition, then the ideal customer profile, and then, it is time for the rubber to hit the road, enough of the nice words, how do you leverage the outcomes, how do you implement?"
"Revenue generation, which is the term I now use to describe what used to be Marketing and Sales, on a limited budget, indeed any budget, is an options game. When you look at it like an options game, you do the research, collect information, and only make a choice when you have to, when the option to delay the choice is no longer open."
“Communication is the means by which everything happens. It is where you decide just how you are going to interact with this ideal customer as they move through their considerations. There are 4 types of communication channel, Owned, Rented, Paid and Earned media.”
"When all else is equal, all you have is price, and then it is a race to the bottom, and the greatest risk in a race to the bottom is that you might win."