- Digitization
- Globalization
- Deceleration & Acceleration
- Centralization & Decentralization
- Open Source
- Open State
- Composability
- Privization - Decentralized Regulation/Privacy
- Offensive technologies (gun powder) vs Defensive (security) - Catalyzes / Adaptive
- Offensive leads to centralization
- Defensive leads to to decentralizaiton
- Mass Ownership
- Markets For Everything
- Individualization & Differentiation vs Integegration & Group
Deeper Trends
- Digitization
- We have transitioned from transportation to transmission as the leading medium of acceleration
Second-Order Implications
Faster Turnover
- Marriages
- Friendships
- Network
- Jobs
- Capital
- Home
- Car
- Clothing
- Appliance
- Goods (faster obcellecense)
Category | Before | AFter |
Own | Rent | |
Repair | Replace | |
Long-Term | Short-Term | |
Worn Out | Out Of Date |
- Faster messages = more messages
- More scientific innovation. "That is because it boosts all further scientific and technological progress. Swift transmission of information eliminates the major bottleneck of scientific innovation: the long delay between the moment an idea is written down and the moment it is read by another scientist." —Francis Heylighen in Technological Acceleration
- Big increase in garbage items because physical items are being thrown away
- People are less likely to form their identities around places, people, and jobs. "Identification with spaces, with fixed communication partners and reference groups, and with things takes on a temporally delimited and contingent character. The person is compelled to distance or emancipate herself from them to the extent that she can withstand a change (whether voluntary or forced) without a loss of self. Human existence thus tends to become placeless, just as places become devoid of identity and history.24 At first this claim must remain a mere postulate."