Supplements I Have Everyday

I prefer to get all my nutrients from Whole Foods, but that isn't always possible. So, I have a few of the following supplements with the most evidence backing up its benefits and safety. I always aim to have the highest quality supplements.

In addition, I've been a vegetarian for 20+ years (although I occasionally have fish and pasture-raised eggs), which leads to deficiencies in Vitamin K2 ad Vitamin B12. I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons.

Vitamin D

"Approximately 40 percent of people living in the United States are vitamin D deficient." —Endocrine Society

I got tested several years ago for Vitamin D deficiency and my vitamin D was very low. This occurred because I wasn't getting enough sun and because I have darker skin, which makes it harder to absorb Vitamin D.

Vitamin K2


Vitamin K2 helps with the absorption of Vitamin D. One might normally get Vitamin K2 from meat, but since I'm a vegetarian, I supplement with K2.



Over the years, I've followed the latest research on longevity. More recently, I've really followed the studies of Harvard Medical School researcher David Sinclair, who is the author of Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To, and who been named by Time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Sinclair has been having 1 gram of NMN with yogurt for years. I only do NMN on days when I'm not exercising as they have been shown to not work as well together.

Vitamin B12


As a vegetarian, I am deficient in Vitamin B12. Although, I get it occasionally when I have eggs or fish.



The Omegas are another important supplement that we are often deficient in.



Harvard Medical School researcher David Sinclair (see above) is the pioneering researcher on the benefits of resveratrol and has been having 1 gram per day for years. I only do resveratrol on days when I'm not exercising as they have been shown to not work as well together.