
Problem-Solving (Research Brief)

Problem-Solving (Research Brief)

Quick Intro

Here you can find the results of my research on problem-solving.

I create research briefs to serve as a foundation for writing future articles, a template for collaborating with other researchers and to research individual topics over years. After lots of experimentation initially, this format has remained stable for over five years.

This 63-pages long document contains my organized notes and within them, the 80/20 of information on problem-solving:

  • Key terminology used in the field
  • The best resources to consume (podcasts, videos, articles, studies)
  • The highlights of the best resources so you can get the best ideas from the best resources faster
  • The top 1% thought leaders to follow so you can stay up-to-date and go deeper
  • How-to information to help you apply the ideas

Research Brief Contents

Why General Purpose Problem Solving Is Important 2

Key Principles & Techniques 3

Keywords 12

Types Of Problems 36

Root-Bernstein 36

Other 37

Classes Of Problems 41

Challenges with problem solving 41

Patterns of problem avoidance 42

Root Cause Analysis Champions 42

Toyota 42

Ray Dalio 43

NLP 47

Kord Murray 48

Peter Senge 49


Mental Models That Help With Problem Solving 52

History 54

Random Notes From Resources 55

Constructor Theory (via David Deutsch) 55

Peter Senge Notes 57

Research: Domain-General Knowledge and Problem-Solving Processes 58

How experts solve problems differently 59

Quotes 61


The problem is much more complicated than you think. But the solution, that is, what you can do about it, is much easier than you think.—Nassim Taleb
A problem well stated is a problem half solved.—Charles Kettering
If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.—Stephen Covey.

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