
2 - 5 - The Standing Ovation Model


"Now this is a model that builds off the [inaudible] model it's just really an extension. But it can allow us to sort of think about threshold based models of participation and pure effects in a little more subtle ways. Why standing ovations, those are kind of a funny thing to study. Well here's why. Think about a standing ovation. When The performance ends, you don't have a lot of time to decide whether you are going to stand up or not. You gotta make sort of a fairly quick judgment. You're going to clap of course but then you gotta decide do I stand or do I not stand. And then after the standing ovation either starts or doesn't start you gotta make another decision, do I stand up, do I follow these people, or do I you know stay sitting. So when you think about human behavior there's going to be different models that we play with throughout the course about how humans act. One model will be that people are optimizing, that they make rational choices in all setting. When it comes [inaudible] of a standing ovations that is probably a difficult thing to do because it is all happening so fast. So instead, what people probably do is they follow rules. "- Transcript from Scott Page Coursera

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Scott Page Model Thinking MOOC Course