14 - 3 - The Logic of Network Formation


" The network structure's gonna be something that emerges through these micro-level interactions.The first one's gonna be random connections, where each node and randomly decided to connect to other nodes. The second one is gonna be a small worlds model. And the is, is gonna work as follows. Each person is gonna have some friends that are, sort of, belong to a clique. They're sort of nearby. And then some friends that are random, that they randomly connect to. So we're gonna start out by having people connected to just people near them. And then assume that they sort of rewire, in a way, and randomly connect to some people who are further away in social space. ?Cause this is what a lot of social networks look like. And the last thing we're gonna do is we're gonna look at something called a preferential attachment network. And this has been used to describe the internet. And the world wide web. And the idea here is the following. It's that you're more likely to connect to nodes that are more connected. So, that's true certainly in the world wide web." - Transcript from Scott Page Coursera

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Scott Page Model Thinking MOOC Course