Information Overwhelm Causes

Info Overwhelm

Too Much Information

  • Printing press
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Big data
  • Publication exploration
  • Easier to spread
  • Increasing population
  • More knowledge creators
  • Easier to publish (Internet, gutenberg)
  • Social media
  • Virtual reality
  • Noisy environment - lots of browser windows open


  • Slack / Teams
  • Social media
  • Email

Types Of Information

  • Diversity
  • Complexity
  • Novelty
  • Relevancy
  • Quality
  • Redundant
  • Contradictory
  • “Context-free” information

Pervasive and Pushed Information

  • Notifications (text messages, app notifications, calls, alarms, reminders)
  • Inboxes (email, social media)
  • Smart mobile devices that are always with us
  • Never-ending scrolling

Information Handling

  • “Siloed” information
  • Unconnected information
  • Unindexed information
  • Ineffective searching procedures


  • Gender
  • Age
  • Digital vs Physical
  • Personality style
  • Beliefs/knowledge in domain
  • More information than expected

Related Pag

Coping Tools

Cognitive Capacity

  • Working memory
  • Limited information processing capacity per time unit
  • Decision fatigue / self-discipline
  • Emotional fatigue (overwhelm, FOMO)


  • Limited time (time pressure)


Info Architecture / UX

  • Encyclopedia
  • Dictionary
  • Map
  • Diagram
  • Index
  • Page numbering
  • Alphabetical order


  • Searc