- What are the limits of how the human brain can adopt to the modern world?
- What are the symptoms of the brain trying to cope with the modern world?
- On the one hand, the brain is incredibly good at adapting. It is amazing how different our modern world is from our ancentral world.
- If we simply project modernism forward, what happens?
- Lots of people can't cope?
- What is the link between acceleration, money supply, and inflation?
- See George Simmel
- What is the relationship between acceleration and inequality? Why does inequality seem to rise during periods of the greatest acceleration?
- Are we in a growth paradigm where things crash if we stop growing? If so, how does that work?
- Is the acceleration of society making people happier or giving more meaning?
- What are the fundamental elements of subjective well-being?
- Is it possible that accelerationism is really good at meeting people's basic needs for survival, but terrible for meeting people's deeper needs for human connection and meaning?
- How is a brain who grew up in info scarcity different than one that grew up with info abundance?
- As technology evolves more quickly, will generational differences increase? If so, what are the implications of that?